
2Simple celebrated by the Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV)

Aug. 6, 2021

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The Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV) exists to provide leadership, support, services, programs and resources to all members including primary and secondary teachers across all curriculum areas; principals and school leadership teams; specialist Information and Multimedia teachers; tertiary educators and consultants and any person with an interest in emerging technologies and Information Communication Technology teaching and learning.

DLTV Newsletter - St John's Catholic Parish Primary School

2Simple is thrilled to be featured in recent DLTV newsletter, with a detailed product review from Marnie Power, digital technologies and STEM specialist teacher at St John’s Catholic Parish Primary School.

Marnie writes, "I am a digital technologies and STEM specialist teacher at St John’s Catholic Parish School in Heidelberg, Victoria. Teacher. I am also the eLearning Leader and I look at the digital applications our school has and how we can improve on the ways we use technology. My goal is to support colleagues in their use of technology to enhance the learning experiences for our students and reduce the overall workload teachers are faced with. I came across Purple Mash through a conversation with another teacher and I am delighted I investigated this product further.


Having used it extensively in two schools over the past couple of years I consider it is invaluable and think every primary school should have this in their toolkit of digital resources. Purple Mash is an award-winning cross curricular website for primary school children, enabling them to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way.

Students receive their Purple Mash individual school account for a small per child yearly subscription, allowing them unrestricted access at home as well. It is cloud based, removing any need for installation or updates and allowing access on a range of devices including desktops, laptops, Chromebooks, iPads and interactive whiteboards. It delivers an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games and allows teachers like me to provide task specific online activities to reinforce the content being explicitly taught in the lesson.”

Read Manie’s full review here


DLTV Case Study - Wallan Primary School

Further, the latest DLTV Case Study features Wallan Primary School.

Wallan Primary School have specialist Digital Technologies teachers and classes from Foundation to Year 6. Purple Mash is a key resource used by the school and is included in the case study.

Purple Mash is showcased in a unit of work based on the learning intention to design and build a 3D video game. Purple Mash’s 2DIY3D is a key component of the 6 week unit of work focused around the Victorian curriculum:

Develop simple solutions as visual programs VCDTCD024

  • designing and developing a simple interactive digital solution using a visual programming language, for example preparing the content and design of a simple guessing game
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If you would like further details about this unit of work, please email us info@2simple.com.au

2DIY3D is used to design, create and play! Why not make your own today?

Alternatively, check out Purple Mash's Game Creator unit of work. This Year 5 unit is part of the our Digi Tech SOW comprehensively covering the Digital Technologies curriculum, composing of units, lessons and all required resources.