World Environment Day

May 23, 2022

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th June and is organised by the United Nations to raise awareness of our planet and the environment. This year is particularly noteworthy as it marks 50 years since the first international meeting on the environment, when the idea for World Environment Day was first suggested. Help raise awareness with these Purple Mash activities.

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Healthy Eating with 2Simple

May 23, 2022

Here is a blog post focusing on the 2Simple resources to encourage healthy eating for a week. The aim is to highlight key health messages and promote healthy habits.

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Updated DigiTech Scheme of Work

May 17, 2022

As more teachers are looking to integrate digital technologies across the curriculum within their classes, we are delighted to share with you some exciting updates and new features that have been added to our DigiTech Scheme of work. To further support the delivery in school, enhance the impact of lessons and reduce teacher workload, we have updated the lesson plans, included editable downloadable slideshows for every unit, included supporting videos for teachers, updated our knowledge organisers, prior learning and future learning overviews, concept maps to gather information before teaching the units and\or after completing it and quizzes to review students' understanding from the unit, all to ensure that you can teach digital technologies, support ICT competencies and further students' learning across the whole curriculum with confidence.

Enhancing parent engagement with Evidence Me

May 16, 2022

There are a number of ways that Evidence Me supports parent engagement and further enhances relationships between parents and the school. We've picked some of our favourites, including our latest “Family's Here" feature.

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Transform yourself with Mashcams - May's #MashoftheMonth

May 4, 2022

Each month we highlight a #MashoftheMonth, focussing on a tool or application within Purple Mash and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. During the month, if you share how, you have used the #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody Bag!

The #MashoftheMonth for May is Mashcams, the Purple Mash tool that transforms you into anyone from Captain Cook to an astronaut. This should be a lot of fun.

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