Setting home activities with Evidence Me

May 21, 2020

Great News! Did you know that Evidence Me can be used for setting activities for children who are at home?

Here's how.

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Ramadan and Eid

May 20, 2020

Muslims all around the world are taking part in the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan, which will draw to a close at the end of this week with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of a month of fasting from dawn to sunset.

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Giving Feedback with Purple Mash

April 16, 2020

With schools now setting work remotely for children, the ability for teachers to be able to give feedback on work set and reward children is vital. There are many tools within Purple Mash that makes this easy for teachers to do.

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Ramadan activities on Purple Mash

April 16, 2020

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims and celebrated during the 9th month of their calendar. Ramadan doesnt follow the western calendar and instead follows the Lunar calendar meaning the month can change each year. This year the celebration starts on Thursday, 23rd April.

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Evidence Me - Four reasons to use in school closure

April 16, 2020

With schools across the country and the globe adjusting to remote learning, it is great to hear from schools on ways that they are using 2Simple tools to facilitate this.

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