Print Student Login Cards ready for the new year.

Jan. 28, 2020

Print student login cards

You can easily generate handy login reminder cards for any number of users, from one child to your whole school. You can also create a useful spreadsheet displaying login details for quick reference.

The cards are especially useful for school holidays. If you're handing them out for the summer break, you can also download an accompanying letter for parents, explaining everything they need to know about Purple Mash.

For more useful tips and tricks, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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Education for a Connected World Framework

Jan. 20, 2020

In a world where technology is moving at a fast pace, it is more important now than ever to teach online safety in schools.

With consideration to the 'Online Safety Curriculum Connections' on the ACARA site and our ever-increasing globalised digital society, Australia should be thinking about ways they can enrich their curriculum to teach a deeper understanding of online behaviour in their lessons. Students need the knowledge and scepticism to evaluate new developments, regardless of what device they are using.

Our Education for a Connected World Framework document complements the Digital Technologies curriculum, which covers the principles of online safety for Early and Primary years of schooling, with progression in the content to reflect the different and escalating risks that students face. Many themes are covered such as self-image and identity, online relationships, online bullying etc.

Sound scary?

Well, this is where Purple Mash can help you.

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Teacher Feature - Display Boards

Jan. 6, 2020

In the first of a new series of blogs highlighting Teacher features in Purple Mash, we are focusing on using Display Boards within your school. Display boards are a fantastic way of displaying the amazing work created by your students. You can create a board for a topic, a piece of homework or any other project of your choice. There is no limit to what you can use them for or how many you can create. They are quite simply, a versatile way of displaying work within your class and school.

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The Purple Mash DigiTech Scheme of Work

Dec. 15, 2019

Purple Mash gives you a DigiTech Scheme of Work for the whole school with all the resources you need to implement it - all in one place!

As well as tools to teach all aspects of the Digital Technologies Curriculum, Purple Mash allows you to easily embed technology across the curriculum, with dozens of fantastic literacy, maths, art, design, and music tools, alongside thousands of scaffolded writing and drawing templates.

Leave no stone un-turned with the DigiTech Scheme of Work, covering every single area of the Digital Technologies Curriculum.

The scheme includes:

  • Step-by-step lesson plans for delivering the entire DigiTech Curriculum from Foundation to Year 6.
  • A full assessment framework for easy progress tracking in DigiTech.
  • A whole school coding solution 2Code, with pre-programmed success criteria for lessons that mark themselves.
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4 Ideas for the New School Year

Dec. 15, 2019

With the summer holidays just around the corner, Term 1 2020 will hopefully feel very far away but it's important we still keep an eye on the new school year ahead and give ourselves and the students a head start.

With that in mind, we've compiled four Purple Mash activities to do at the beginning of Term 1 2020 that bring benefits throughout the whole school year.
