5 Teacher New Year Resolutions

Jan. 7, 2025

Made some New Years Resolutions for the classroom? We're here to help you achieve them! Read on to see what we can help you with...

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10 Time-Saving Purple Mash Features

Sept. 11, 2024

Teachers have very busy days, so we've put together a guide to how Purple Mash can save you time. With these 10 teacher time-saving features, you might even have time to grab a cuppa in the staffroom!

Time saving 10 blog
Become a serial reader with Serial Mash!

Dec. 9, 2020

Purple Mash offers Serial Mash, which is your very own library at school and home. With over 100 books for children aged 5 - 11, Serial Mash offers the opportunity to carry on your reading program with your students regardless of their home environment and support resources. Utilizing technologies like this enables all students to access quality reading experiences, and the books can be printed to enable reading in a non-digital way too. With our teaching sometimes needing to be more online-based and distance learning sometimes the only option, Serial Mash is the perfect way of ensuring accessibility of reading material to all your students.

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Make a start with 2Type

Dec. 3, 2020

2Type is possibly one of the most underrated yet valuable resources available in Purple Mash. To learn to use a keyboard correctly should be the start of any lesson and any digital learning journey, and when using 2Type they learn more than just how to type efficiently!

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Roaring ahead with Purple Mash for Maths

Dec. 2, 2020

Purple Mash has an enormous amount of maths resources to use both in class or as extension work or as a homework activity. There is a comprehensive set of maths games, worksheets, and printable charts for both homeschoolers and teachers.

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