Communication is Key.

Nov. 26, 2020

Purple Mash has amazing tools to ensure you stay in constant communication with your students, whether they are with you in the class or they are needing to learn remotely. During 2020 it has been especially important to keep the lines of communication open. If students are familiar with a digital process it can alleviate some of the anxiety.

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Exploring 2Connect

Nov. 18, 2020

'2Connect is a concept mapping tool. It can support a writer with planning, be used to organise and present ideas or as a means to collaboratively collect ideas. The tool gives you the ability to import pictures and sounds, record your own audio, add notes and insert hyperlinks. At a simple click of the 'Show Story' button, the writer can type while looking at their completed concept map. They can also press the 'Start' button and present their argument or findings, in a way different from more well-known ways. Find more examples here.

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