
Get your pupils monster mad for multiplication!

Aug. 10, 2023

Introducing Monster Multiplication, an enjoyable and interactive game, designed to help pupils practise their multiplication tables in a fun way! Pupils can watch their own monster egg evolve into a mature monster by unlocking various achievements. The more fruit the monster eats from the achievements, the faster they grow!

Monster Multiplication cleverly adapts to pupils’ performance, making it ideal for pupils across the primary age range.

Another lovely addition to this game is that teachers can view pupil performance on the data dashboard which pinpoints exactly where pupils require additional practice. There is even the option to aggregate the data with our hugely popular Multiplication Tables Check! Just like all our tools and applications, it can also be set as a 2DO which can be completed in and outside of school.

Take a look at our short video explaining how Monster Multiplication works 👉

If your class enjoys Monster Multiplication, try out some of our other maths games and resources. All of them are included with a Purple Mash subscription. If you'd like to try them out, you can get a free trial here.