
Global Recycling Day - 18th March

March 10, 2021

On 18th March, it is Global Recycling Day with the theme this year being #RecyclingHeroes. This will recognise the people, places and activities that showcase what an important role recycling plays in contributing to an environmentally stable planet and a greener future which will benefit all.

At 2Simple, we have collected a range of activities on Purple Mash, that you can use in class to encourage everyone to recycle.

Writing Activities

We have several writing activities that you can use for Recycling Week. Use our Recycling Debate worksheet to prepare for a debate on whether people should be recycling their household waste and to encourage more people to recycle why not combine persuasive words and images to get your pupils reminding us why we should be recycling rubbish. You can also use our Litter Poster to explain why people should not be dropping litter, asking questions like what effect does this have on the environment, why is littering bad? You can also write a Litter Report detailing why do people drop litter, what can we do to stop this?

Other Activities

We also have some paint projects that you can use. You can design your very own recycling symbol. Use this to thank our key workers for collecting our waste during the lockdown period. Use our recycle box template to paint what items you can recycle, you could then display these in school as a reminder to pupils and staff!  You can also become a refuse collector by using our MashCam.

However you celebrate Global Recycling Day remember to share your work with us on Facebook or Twitter using the #GlobalRecyclingDay.