Brand new Serial Mash is now live

Sept. 12, 2022

The brand-new version of our online guided reading library Serial Mash is now live. There's a new look, improvements to existing functionality and lots more exciting new features to explore.

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Celebrating Roald Dahl Day with Purple Mash

Sept. 1, 2022

Roald Dahl is one of the world's most celebrated authors for children, thanks to his imaginative, engaging stories. His birthday is on 13th September and to mark the occasion there are a wide range of activities within Purple Mash that primary school children are bound to enjoy.

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Commonwealth Games

June 29, 2022

The Commonwealth Games head to Birmingham this year, with the Opening Ceremony taking place on the 28th July and closing on 8th August. Get warmed up for them with a range of Purple Mash activities.

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World Refugee Day: 20th June

June 20, 2022

World Refugee Day is marked around the world on the 20th June every year to celebrate the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution.

We've worked in partnership with Safe Passage to create a a resource designed to support teachers welcoming new arrivals into the classroom.

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Remembering Anne Frank

June 8, 2022

This resource explores how the life of Anne Frank can be used to support pupils as they prepare to move to secondary school.

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