World Refugee Day: 20th June

June 20, 2022

World Refugee Day is marked around the world on the 20th June every year to celebrate the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution.

We've worked in partnership with Safe Passage to create a a resource designed to support teachers welcoming new arrivals into the classroom.

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Remembering Anne Frank

June 8, 2022

This resource explores how the life of Anne Frank can be used to support pupils as they prepare to move to secondary school.

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Purple Mash Games Design Competition 2022 Grand Final

June 8, 2022

The countdown is almost over. After receiving over 100 entries to the Purple Mash Games Design Competition, we're down to the last 8 schools, who are all set to compete in the Grand Final at Amazon's UK HQ on 15th June. Let's look at their games and meet the judges who will decide who will be crowned the 2022 Games Design Champion.

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International Day of Yoga, 21st June 2022

June 6, 2022

International Day of Yoga takes place on 21st June every year and the theme for 2022 is Yoga for Humanity. To mark the occasion, we're making a selection of Striver units available for free.

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Newly updated 2Publish is June's #MashoftheMonth

June 1, 2022

Each month we highlight a #MashoftheMonth, focusing on a tool or application within Purple Mash and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. During the month, if you share how, you have used the #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody Bag!

Our Mash of the Month for June is the recently updated 2Publish. This powerful, easy-to-use publishing tool really does bring learning to life. Teachers and pupils can access thousands of ready-made templates covering a huge range of cross-curricular content that you are able to tailor to your specific needs. There is even a blank template if you want to create something totally bespoke.

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