Global Recycling Day - 18th March

March 1, 2022

18th March is Global Recycling Day. This year it is focussed on the recycling fraternity, celebrating those who put themselves on the frontline to collect waste and recycling during the multiple lockdowns. There is also a stress on the importance of education about recycling and pollution.

At 2Simple, we haven't collected waste, but we have collected a range of activities and put them on the same page in Purple Mash, so that you can easily access and use them in class, encouraging everyone to recycle.

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International Women's Day - 8th March

Feb. 22, 2022

This year International Women’s Day falls on Tuesday 8th March with the theme #BreakTheBias. The day is about celebrating women and their achievements, whilst challenging stereotypes, bias, discrimination and perceptions. To mark the day, we have several resources and activities for you to use on Purple Mash, giving children a chance to explore and write about inspirational women from across the globe.

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ICO Resources

Feb. 7, 2022

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK's data protection regulator, is helping children and young people understand the power of their personal data as they learn, play and socialise online. They have launched a suite of lesson plans and worksheets, aimed at teaching primary and secondary school pupils how to protect their privacy online and how they can control what online companies and platforms know about them.

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National Storytelling Week - 29th January - 5th February

Jan. 12, 2022

This year National Storytelling Week runs from 29th January to 5th February. The theme for 2022 is Read a Story. Tell the Story and the Society for Storytelling has a range of resources on their website packed full of tools to support the teaching of storytelling to children at all key stages. There are also a wealth of resources within Purple Mash.

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