Anne Frank's Birthday - 12th June

May 26, 2021

Anne Frank was given a diary for her 13th Birthday on 12th June 1942 in which she wrote daily and had planned to publish a book about her time in the Secret Annex. Her diary was published after her death and has been translated into more than 70 languages.

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International Day of Yoga 2021

May 21, 2021

The United Nations International Day of Yoga is held annually on the 21st June, to tie in with the Summer Solstice. This year the theme is Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family and aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. The theme focusses on encouraging people to stay motivated at home and how Yoga can be used to help with both our physical and mental wellbeing.

Switch to the new Purple Mash today

May 4, 2021

We are so excited to announce the official launch of the newly designed Purple Mash! We have several new features that you can explore and start to use. The trial period will last for approximately 8 weeks, after which we will gradually switch all users to the new look Purple Mash!

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International Nurses Day

April 30, 2021

We are celebrating the work of the NHS and the dedication and hard work of all as we celebrate International Nurses Day. One of the first pioneers of Nursing was Florence Nightingale who was born on the 12th May 1820, on the 200th anniversary of her birth, the work Florence Nightingale did resonates with us now more than ever. Florence’s ideas and actions changed nursing forever.

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