Tips for parents: How to get your kids talking about the things that really interest them

Oct. 25, 2023

Sometimes kids (and adults) need a little help to open up and start talking. The Top 10s book series provides a great opportunity to have conversations with your kids about the things that really interest them. Crafting a topic for a Top 10s book is a great way to get started, and it can be about absolutely anything...

Top tens pm pub
Teaching History with 2Simple: KS1

Oct. 6, 2023

Stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to teaching history? Take a look at some of the ways in which 2Simple can help you teach history in your classroom.

Teaching History with 2Simple: KS2

Oct. 6, 2023

Stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to teaching history? Take a look at some of the ways in which 2Simple can help you teach history in your classroom.

New Purple Mash resources for Black History Month

Sept. 29, 2023

In October, Black History Month will be explored across the country. It's a time for our young learners to immerse themselves in the annual commemoration to find out about the significant contributions and achievements of the black community in the UK.

Black History Month
Teaching Science with 2Simple

Sept. 26, 2023

Explore the world of science at 2Simple, with lots of fun activities an great tools to encourage your students to think scientifically and become more critical in their observations. Find great resources across Purple Mash as well as our Science Leader's Toolkit.

Teaching Science Blog