March 1, 2023
The Mash of the Month for March is2Code. 2Code is a tool to introduce computer programming (coding) to children. It has three key components: free code, guided lessons and debug challenges, hopefully you have seen that 2Code has had an update.
Feb. 24, 2023
March 10th-19th marks the 2023 edition of British Science Week. For ten days, people of all ages will be taking part in engaging events and activities coordinated by the British Science Association to celebrate science, technology, engineering and math. We've compiled some resources and cool Purple Mash activities for you to check out!
Feb. 21, 2023
This year International Women's Day falls on Wednesday 8th March with the theme DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. The day was created to celebrate women and their achievements, whilst challenging stereotypes, bias, discrimination and perceptions. To mark the day, we have several resources and activities for you to use on Purple Mash, giving children a chance to explore and write about inspirational women from across the globe.
Feb. 1, 2023
Each month we will be highlighting a #MashoftheMonth. This will focus on a tool or application within Purple Mash and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. During the month, if you share how you have used #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody bag!
Jan. 9, 2023
Offering you even more value for money with your subscription.