Ramadan activities on Purple Mash

March 21, 2022

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims and takes place during the ninth month of their calendar. This year the period of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community starts on Saturday 2nd April and runs until Sunday 1st May. Here, we highlight some resources you can use within Purple Mash to teach your pupils about Ramadan during this time and beyond.

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The Bett show series | Purple Mash

March 14, 2022

The leading EdTech trade show in the UK is back and we'll be there! Bett 2022 is a free event that is taking place from 23rd to 25th March 2022 at London Excel. Each day in the run up to #BETT2022 we will be showcasing one of our products that you can find out more about at the show. Just visit us on stand NE61 in the Teaching and Learning area.

What better place to start than with Purple Mash. Purple Mash is all about creativity, communication, and collaboration. It is your complete online solution for Primary Education, which is why thousands of schools use the package as an integrated resource to deliver teaching and learning in school from nursery to year 6.

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Global Recycling Day - 18th March

March 1, 2022

18th March is Global Recycling Day. This year it is focussed on the recycling fraternity, celebrating those who put themselves on the frontline to collect waste and recycling during the multiple lockdowns. There is also a stress on the importance of education about recycling and pollution.

At 2Simple, we haven't collected waste, but we have collected a range of activities and put them on the same page in Purple Mash, so that you can easily access and use them in class, encouraging everyone to recycle.

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International Women's Day - 8th March

Feb. 22, 2022

This year International Women’s Day falls on Tuesday 8th March with the theme #BreakTheBias. The day is about celebrating women and their achievements, whilst challenging stereotypes, bias, discrimination and perceptions. To mark the day, we have several resources and activities for you to use on Purple Mash, giving children a chance to explore and write about inspirational women from across the globe.

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Try the newly updated 2Count

Oct. 19, 2021

Purple Mash pictogram tool 2Count is a versatile tool that lets you create pictograms to represent all kinds of items, from favourite colours to foods eaten and everything in between, in just a few clicks.

Thanks to a recent update the tool just got even more powerful. This is how.

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