Sept. 13, 2019
Staff were introduced to Purple Mash at Hillside School after being identified by Aberdeenshire Council as a school who would be enthusiastic and keen to welcome a pilot. This was led by Fiona Lindsay and started after the Spring break. Fiona had previously used Purple Mash when it had been available through Glow. Staff were positive about using the resources available to them.
April 9, 2019
We were recently lucky enough to be invited to Sunnyfields, a lovely one form entry primary school in North London to see how the 2Simple Centre for Excellence school use Purple Mash across the curriculum. With their high usage across subject areas and outstanding teaching of computing, we knew this would be a great place to visit.
March 20, 2019
Hugo Meynell Church of England School place great emphasis on Computing, ensuring that it has a significant profile amongst all stake holders. They believe every child should have high quality teaching and learning experiences in Computing which enables them to utilize technology effectively across the curriculum.
Feb. 4, 2019
Kingsland only started using Purple Mash this school year (2018-19) and has already been recognised as a 2Simple School of Excellence. In fact, its worth noting that the school has a strong commitment to ICT in general: it has achieved the ICT Mark and is the Apple Regional Training Centre for Stoke.
Jan. 23, 2019
In November, the 2Simple Marketing team alongside a film crew visited Harbour Primary in Newhaven, East Sussex. This school had been recommended to us by our Sales Manager Katie, for showcasing outstanding Purple Mash usage. We knew that this was a school that we had to visit!