Mash of the Month: Table Toons

Feb. 4, 2025

Each month we will be highlighting a #MashoftheMonth, this will focus on a tool or application and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum.

The Mash of the Month for February is Table Toons, as it's just had a fantastic upgrade! Table Toons helps children to learn their multiplication tables in a range of ways, including creating their own multiplication musical playlists and playing themed games.

Copy of Mash of the Month - Table Toons
Mash of the Month May - Multiplication Tables Check

May 2, 2024

Each month we highlight a different tool or application within Purple Mash and how it can be used within the classroom to support learning across the curriculum. We call this the Mash of the Month, this month it's our Multiplication Tables Check. During the month, if you share how you have used the #MashoftheMonth, you will then be entered into a draw to win a 2Simple Goody Bag!

Mash of the Month - MTC
Multiplication Tables Check

March 12, 2024

All state-funded maintained schools and academies (including free schools) in England are required to administer an online multiplication tables check (MTC). Read the guidance and how you can help prepare students through our fantastic Multiplication Tables Check tool.

MTC 2024 blog
Teaching Maths with 2Simple

Aug. 31, 2023

Use this blog to calculate how 2Simple can help you teach maths to Primary-aged pupils. Explore our maths resources and lessons on financial literacy and financial capability. To sum it up, we've got hundreds of great maths resources!

Teaching Maths Blog
Get your pupils monster mad for multiplication!

Aug. 10, 2023

Introducing Monster Multiplication, an enjoyable and interactive game, designed to help pupils practise their multiplication tables in a fun way!

Monster Multiplication blog