
Get all your questions answered on a free 1-to-1 phone call or screen-share with a member of our CPD team.

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One-to-one inspiration for your class, at a time that suits you

Whether you’re looking for new ideas to help integrate computing in your classroom, or need the perfect digital resource for your new topic, we're here to help.

Book a call with one of our experienced educators and they will help you make the most out of your 2Simple experience.

All your questions answered

Just started using Evidence Me, but don’t know how to use the assessment tool?

Can’t figure out how to use a new feature in Purple Mash?

Resolve all your bursting questions in a 30 minute session with a member of our CPD team of experienced educators.


How much will it cost?

2Simple 1-1 Chats are absolutely free!

More ways to get CPD