Supporting MATS and academies with their self-evaluation and school improvement with Coach and Hub.
With Coach and Hub, all schools within your Trust will have everything they need to support them through their robust self-evaluation and improvement planning preparations. The MatDash feature will also provide Trust Senior Leaders with a real-time summary of all schools’ self-evaluations, helping you to build strategies and support your schools to develop the best possible outcomes.
This management tool helps remove ambiguity, evaluates your schools' effectiveness and collects and stores evidence.
Our Headteachers are finding the application to be very simple and deeply informative to use and are already recognising the efficiencies that Inspection Coach brings to the Self-Evaluation process. It is certain to transform the way that we approach the process across our Trust. We particularly value the way that the graphical representation of each academy empowers leaders, governors, and Trustee to see the whole evaluation landscape. This will transform the way our leaders approach Self-Evaluation and how they use that to drive Academy Development Planning and delivery so that our pupils get the best education possible
Coach has been written by experienced inspectors and is packed full of helpful advice to ensure that your school meets the expectations of the new Framework. Following a popular process for self-evaluation, the virtual self-improvement partner will guide you through the process, you'll make judgements, answer questions against specific success criteria, attach evidence, then once you're finished our virtual team will immediately check your answers either agreeing with you or it'll offer you advice and next steps.
Hub will support your Improvement Planning, whether you're creating Whole School Development Plans, Improvement Plans, Action Plans, Governing Body Action Plans or Subject Leader Plans. Share elements with key stakeholders all whilst monitoring progress to work towards creating the best possible environment for your learners.
Please Contact Katie to find out more about Know my School and to request a personalised quote and multi-year discounts.