
Request a Purple Mash quote

If you'd like a quote for a single primary school then complete the form and we'll email you a quote, including discounted pricing for 3 or 5 year licences.

Alternatively, if any of the below applies to you, please email hello@2simple.com or call +44 (0)20 8203 1781

  • You want a quote for multiple schools (e.g. MAT)
  • You are a SEN, PRU, or other specialist site
  • You want to subscribe to multiple 2Simple resources
  • For home-user pricing visit our home user page

Please include your full details and any other information necessary for us to generate a quote (e.g. how many schools in your federation).

We look forward to hearing from you, have a great day!

A group of primary school Purple Mash Digital Leaders by 2Simple Ltd

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