Sept. 21, 2020
Everyone at 2Simple takes every opportunity to make the safety of pupils an integral part of everything we do on Purple Mash, helping to support safeguarding in your school. This starts with providing secure Purple Mash cloud storage for all your school’s resources and activities and continues by offering you support in teaching online safety by providing resources and guidance.
Our ‘Purple Points’ guide to staying safe in Purple Mash
Login with your teacher login and click on the Admin tab at the top of the Purple Mash screen.Choose the E-safety Settings from the Administration section. Choose whether the children can use the webcam, create collaborative work and use the guest login.
Online safety section in the Computing curriculum area–click the link or go to Purple Mash Home/Computing.Includes:
The wealth of open ended tools for drawing and writing on Purple Mash also provides excellent opportunities for the children to create many additional resources, for example