
Some valuable Teacher Time Savers!

Aug. 11, 2020

Did you know that Purple Mash's Teacher's section includes printable worksheets that can be used to support offline teaching?

Subjects include English, Maths, Science, Phonics and more!

These printable PDF resources are really great to use in conjunction with our new feature enabling you to set external documents (incl. PDFs) as 2Do's.

This allows you to easily direct your children to the correct worksheets to download and re-upload for marking!

Image showing resources from the Purple Mash Digital Technologies scheme of work

In addition we will be continuing with our online teacher training through August and onwards. Some on the skills we cover include:

  • Using Collaborative Tools
  • Creative Tech and Gaming
  • Assign, mark and feedback on work
  • Mini Mash: Grade R and other Pre-School content
  • Parent Info Session: Purple Mash and My Child
  • Coding: 2Code and Python in Pieces
  • Creative Writing and Publishing
  • Reading and Comprehension

We can't wait to see you there! Click here to book a session.