Sept. 21, 2020
Everyone at 2Simple takes every opportunity to make the safety of pupils an integral part of everything we do on Purple Mash, helping to support safeguarding in your school. This starts with providing secure Purple Mash cloud storage for all your schools resources and activities and continues by offering you support in teaching online safety by providing resources and guidance.
Aug. 17, 2020
2Type is possibly one of the most underrated yet valuable resources available in Purple Mash. To learn to use a keyboard correctly should be the start of any lesson and any digital learning journey.
Aug. 17, 2020
Purple Mash has amazing tools to ensure you stay in constant communication with your learners whether you are with them in the class or they are learning remotely.
July 20, 2020
If there is one thing we have experienced during lockdown, is that access to all things digital and remote can be a saving grace. It is imperative that schools continue to focus on upskilling not only themselves, but the students as well, as our lives and society become more digitally reliant in these times.
July 16, 2020
Recently I was reading an article that had a comment section. In the comments was one from a J. Ryan Nielson from Brigham Young University in Idaho. The part of the comment that struck me was Teaching will improve simply because we are studying it.