Oct. 14, 2020
On the 15th of October it is International Handwashing Day. We all understand the importance of this day given our current circumstances. Even taking that out of the equation, handwashing is an essential skill we teach our children from the first moment they can take instruction. It keeps them and those around them safe and healthy.
Handwashing makes up a part of every school's routine. It is a universally taught skill that is incorporated into every curriculum. During the Covid-19 epidemic is is widely lauded as the thing that will keep us most safe - washing our hands with soap and water.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) has released a pamphlet outlining the importance of hand washing in keeping us safe. You can download it for your children HERE. Purple Mash also has a wonderful activity that you could incorporate into a Life Skills lesson or as an activity to mark the day. We have temporarily made it free for all to access. You can open it HERE .
Enjoy and happy washing!