Mindfulness Pocket Postcards Free Pack

March 8, 2021

Mindfulness helps us with our mental wellbeing. It can support us as human beings to foster more healthy living habits and understand our unique emotional and physical needs. Included in this pack you will find a lesson that can be used to introduce mindfulness to your children as well as 6 Mindfulness Pocket Postcards, these ‚Pocket Postcard are for anyone. For school, for home, or for self. Created for different settings to be able to reach, read, use, and action. They are purposeful, practical, and easy to use for a variety of ages and environments.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing Guide for Parents

Jan. 25, 2021

This booklet has been written by Nina Jackson and Kelly Hannaghan. Nina Jackson is an award-winning motivational speaker, a published author and an International Mental Health Advisor & Consultant. Kelly Hannaghan is a Mental Health & Wellbeing Consultant with 15 years experience of working in education as well as being an award-winning motivational speaker, school improvement advisor and published author.

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Exploring Reliability in the Online World Parent Guide - Free download

Jan. 25, 2021

The digital world is vast, exciting and forever evolving at such a pace that parents often find it hard to keep up. It has an amazing range of information and opportunities online and can help us see the world from different points of view.

We have partnered with UK Safer Internet Centre and Amazon Web Services to put together this guide to support parents in recognising the reliability of the information that you encounter online and being able to advise your children enabling them to grow into a responsible digital citizen who is able to keep themselves safe while, at the same time, getting the very best from the digital world.

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Teaching the Holocaust at Key Stage 2: Free Download

Jan. 11, 2021

This guide is for teachers in Key Stage 2 who are teaching about the Holocaust, it aims to give teachers guidance and confidence in teaching this sensitive subject. The guide contains suggested activities, a range of pictures and personal stories that can be used with KS2 children and was compiled by Gillian Walnes Perry MBE, Co-founder and Vice President of the Anne Frank Trust UK with thanks to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and to Helen Wiseman, Holocaust educator at Primary Level.

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Quick Start Guide to the Computing Scheme of Work

Nov. 16, 2020

The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work is a powerful comprehensive resource aligned to the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework which supports schools with achieving excellence in Teaching & Learning for Computing. This Quick Start Guide presents a step by step guide to getting started and making the most of the scheme. It contains everything that is needed to deliver inspiring and engaging lessons whilst allowing for the flexibility to meet individual school needs.

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