Purple Mash and Ofsted's High Quality Computing Curriculum: Day 1

May 24, 2022

On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, to identify factors that can contribute to high-quality school computing curriculums, assessment, pedagogy and systems. We've taken a close look at the report and identified how Purple Mash meets each of those factors, and throughout this week we're posting a series of blog posts outlining exactly how it does this. Each daily blog will cover 2-3 of the factors in depth, looking at what the report says and highlighting where Purple Mash supports them.

Today, we start by looking at teacher technical and pedagogical content knowledge of computing, as well as the curriculum structure: called the pillars of progression within this report.

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Walk to School Week 2022

April 29, 2022

Walk to School Week is one of our favourite weeks here at 2Simple. Starting on 17th May, the week gives everyone across the UK a chance to unite in the joy of fresh air and light exercise as we all walk to school.

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Anne Frank's Birthday - 12th June

April 27, 2022

Anne Frank was born in Germany on the 12 June 1929. She was given a diary for her 13th Birthday in which she wrote daily and had planned to publish a book about her time in the Secret Annex where she hid from persecution. Her diary was published after her death and has been translated into more than 70 languages. Here we look at how you can remember her life with Purple Mash resources, including a pack designed to help children transition to secondary school.

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VE Day

April 22, 2022

VE day or Victory in Europe day marks the day when the guns of World War II finally fell silent in Europe. The day was celebrated with street parties and celebrations, and many people gathered outside Buckingham Palace dressed in red, white and blue. Let's see how you can commemorate with Purple Mash.

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Celebrating Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee 2022

April 22, 2022

This year, Her Majesty the Queen will become the first British monarch to celebrate a platinum jubilee after 70 years of service, having acceded to the throne on the 6th of February 1952 when she was just 25 years old. There are a range of events to mark this historic occasion culminating with the platinum jubilee weekend in June.

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