Anniversary of the Titanic sinking - 15th April

April 13, 2022

RMS Titanic was a passenger liner that, at the time of construction, was the largest ship ever built. It was on her maiden voyage sailing from Southampton, UK to New York City, USA, when she sank after colliding with an iceberg. Commemorations and ceremonies are held on the 15th April, the anniversary of the sinking, to pay respects to those who lost their lives.

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National Pet Month with Purple Mash

March 23, 2022

We're celebrating National Pet Month from 1st April to 2nd May. It's all about raising awareness for pet welfare and spreading the word about responsible pet ownership. In this blog, as well as looking at some Purple Mash resources you can use during this time, we also meet some of the pets of 2Simple.

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The Bett show series | Dot Com Digital

March 22, 2022

The leading EdTech trade show in the UK is back and we'll be there! Bett 2022 is a free event that is taking place from 23rd to 25th March 2022 at London Excel. Each day in the run up to #BETT2022 we will be showcasing one of our products that you can find out more about at the show. In the final blog of the series we look at covering the RSE framework and PSHE curriculum with Dot Com Digital.

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Ramadan activities on Purple Mash

March 21, 2022

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims and takes place during the ninth month of their calendar. This year the period of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community starts on Saturday 2nd April and runs until Sunday 1st May. Here, we highlight some resources you can use within Purple Mash to teach your pupils about Ramadan during this time and beyond.

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The Bett show series | Improvement Hub & Inspection Coach

March 21, 2022

The leading EdTech trade show in the UK is back and we’ll be there! Bett 2022 is a free event that is taking place from 23rd to 25th March 2022 at London Excel. Each day in the run up to #BETT2022 we will be showcasing one of our products that you can find out more about at the show. Today we take a closer look at self-evaluation and improvement planning app Inspection Coach & Improvement Hub.

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