March 12, 2025
The Key Stage 2 statutory tests usually take place in May, and in 2025 they are timetabled from Monday 12th - Thursday 15th May.
Each day there will be different papers:
(from the Department for Education website)
Join our webinar to find out how you can effectively support your Year 6 students with the SATs using Purple Mash resources. The Year 4 MTC will also be explored.
This year, there is a whole area on Purple Mash dedicated to SATs preparation for Year 6 pupils and staff. Inside this new area, you'll find:
All of these are designed to mimic the SATs papers in a shorter format so that your students can get a real idea of what they'll be like on the day without taking up too much time.
If you'd prefer children to do the papers online rather than printing them, why not use the Purple Mash PDF Annotator tool?
These maths resources can even be set as a 2Do, so that pupils can practice at home.
All these SATs resources are included as part of a Purple Mash subscription. You can get a trial or buy a subscription here.
In addition to the new reading SATs papers, there are masses of resources within Purple Mash that students can use to practise key reading skills:
Develop your students' non-fiction comprehension using our range of DK Learning content pieces. They cover a wide range of topics, have engaging pictures and every single one has complementary reading comprehension resources.
We know there are a number of books which are incredibly popular in schools, so we've created resources to run alongside these. Some of the popular texts have quizzes for each chapter, which are great for whole-class or group comprehension sessions. They can even be set as 2Dos for a piece of homework.
Texts that have resources for Upper Key Stage 2 are:
If your class need to practise their analysis and comparison skills, why not try some of the below resources with a book of your choice? Children can even create their own quiz about the book they're reading!
Serial Mash can be added on to Purple Mash and has almost 300 eBooks with corresponding comprehension resources and activities, which are great for practising for the Reading and SPaG portions of the SATs.
The Serial Mash library also contains full DK Learning books and online reading journals for children to record their reading. The Fire Bolt series is included specifically to give less confident readers a chance to read for pleasure.
Every week you'll get the latest chapter of a specially-written serialised book. Read on tablets, on laptops, with print out copies, or together via an interactive whiteboard, highlighting important words as you read.
If your class need to brush up their writing, try some of our interactive activities to develop their use of vocabulary and sentences. Use sentence pairs to rearrange and explore sentence structures, or word combos to build up increasingly complex sentences. We also have a whole array of activities for word level work.
Need some inspiration for creative writing? Take a look at our videos for creative writing: The Mysterious Egg is aimed at ages 5-7, and Mystery of the Dakota Diamonds and The Trouble with Tamarins are aimed at ages 7-9, while Catching Blueprints is aimed at 9-11 year olds. Each mystery comes in five parts, with each part there is a writing activity as well as some computing activities. All can be adapted to suit the children in your class and would work well with intervention groups.
Did you know we have a whole spelling scheme of work on Purple Mash? It includes slides, quizzes, dictation activities and Look, Cover, Write, Check worksheets - all perfect for practising or revisiting particularly tricky spellings. You can even make your own spelling quiz!
There are also lots of grammar and punctuation games for all levels. Practise capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks or play games to better understand word types. Again, these games are group by age but they can be adapted to suit the needs of your learners. Use this document to find the right game for the objective you need to cover.
Practise fluency with the fun maths games inside Purple Mash. A student favourite is the Monster Multiplication game, but there are lots of others:
There are also printable worksheets for a number of maths topics that you can use within class. These include number bond sheets, times table sheets and memory games, and fraction walls and fraction games.
We're now on series 2 of our popular educational workbooks, created in collaboration with Little Brother Books (the first series was a sell out!).
This series features characters from Peanuts, Angry Birds, and Aardman (think Wensleydale!) These education workbooks cover ages 3-11 and focus on Maths and English and are perfect for children to develop key skills whilst making learning fun with hugely well-known characters they love!
The titles can be purchased at and schools can order a set of 10 books for just £30!
We wish you and your students good luck in all the upcoming assessments!