
Multi Academy Trust Licensing

2Simple is a secure, quality choice: A trusted name in education with over 20+ years experience providing schools and teachers with award winning resources so you can concentrate on delivering ongoing positive outcomes for your children and staff.

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Supporting you every step of the way

A trusted name in education with a proven 20+ year track record, you can be secure in the knowledge that we’ll deliver and support you with your shared vision and common approach. Our software covers a range of curriculum subjects, assessment and leadership tools and we will work with you to implement it at the right time and price for your schools, coupled with accredited staff CPD and continuous support enabling your staff to deliver ongoing positive outcomes for your children.

Why 11,000 schools and Multi Academy Trusts choose us...





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Technical support


20+ year's experience

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Safe and secure

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Improved outcomes

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Cost savings

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Award winning content

More than just software...

2Simple software can facilitate the supply and implementation of quality trusted software for your schools across your trust. We will work with you to deliver and support you with your shared vision and common approach.

Financial efficiencies: You’ll benefit from the economies of scale for trust-wide purchases. Savings will be based upon the number of schools in your trust and the chosen length of your licences.

Working with the whole community: Our software is web based, ensuring that staff have access anytime and anywhere and that parents are fully involved with home access for products included in the licence

Due Diligence: 2Simple is a UK company and complies fully with GDPR and Data Protection Law.

Ongoing support: We’ll devise an accredited CPD plan for your trust as part of your software licence, whether that be on a school-by-school basis or organized across multiple schools to upskill groups of staff. Your schools will also have access to unlimited technical support and educational support with our team. We’ll look after you every step of the way.

Shared staffing: As staff transfer across schools within your trust, they’ll benefit from the familiarity of our software already in place. Equally, schools can combine their knowledge and share planning and collaborate with partner schools for moderation.

Leadership and Management Tools for complete insights

Bring self-evaluation and improvement planning under one roof! Our customisable dashboards, reports and planning tools ensure that you have all the tools you need to simplify the process of school improvement across your trust.

Purple Mash for your Multi Academy Trust

Embed creative, cross-curricular resources across your trust with Purple Mash and Serial Mash. Empower teachers across multiple sites to share best practice, resources, examples of work and activities.

Every Purple Mash licence includes Mini Mash, designed for children as young as 2. You can also choose to add our ever-growing online library, Serial Mash which includes all the supporting materials and activities you need.

Find out more about our Mash suite

Having Purple Mash and Serial Mash as a whole trust platform has helped all the Schools. There have been noticeable improvements in academic attainment and social awareness in almost every student. These factors have been accompanied by a much greater willingness for the individual to participate in the learning process across all subjects at each Key Stage.

Richard Sherwood, Trust IT Manager
Spiral Partnership Trust
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More from 2Simple

Your dedicated Multi Academy Trust Lead

Katie is our national Multi Academy Trust relationship lead at 2Simple and has been integral to the growth and direction of 2Simple since 2002. She has a wealth of experience coordinating multi-school licences, Local Authority purchases and MAT deals and building packages to best suit their requirements while offering value and support.

Katie has a strong interest in school improvement, having been a school governor for the past 14 years, and holds a position as Chair of the Curriculum and Standards committee. She is also a volunteer for the Scouts Association and is a local Community Safeguarding Officer. Katie keeps children at the heart of everything she does, both in her voluntary roles and as our Chief Experience Officer here at 2Simple.

She also bakes a mean sourdough!

Contact Katie

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Mobile: 07930 483 539
Email: katie@2simple.com
Twitter: @2SimpleKatie
Linkedin: Katie Hart

Contact Katie

Katie and the 2Simple technical team always go above and beyond to ensure that the platform is accessible and manageable in a school’s individual environment.

Samantha Shallcross
Girls' Day School Trust (GDST)
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