Oct. 3, 2021
The World Health Organisation recognizes World Mental Health day on 10th October every year. This year’s theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. There are a range of resources that schools and teachers can use to mark #WorldMentalHealthDay #WMHD2021.
To support schools, we have created a range of resources within Purple Mash that teachers can use to discuss Mental Health and Wellbeing in schools, you can find all the resources here.
The resources include:
We have put together a Parent’s Toolkit for Wellbeing which was created with experts in the field to provide parents with the tools to identify and respond to their child’s unique emotional health needs – a perfect booklet to share with parents on #WMHD2021.
We have also put a wellbeing pack together for schools that includes a selection of resources and lesson plans for staff and students, as well as a selection of helplines and support services that schools can signpost to within school. Download your pack here.
Striver is our PE and wellbeing platform which is packed with lesson plans and resources. As well as a full scheme of work for PE there are dedicated wellbeing units for each year group. You don’t need any specialist training to deliver impactful wellbeing sessions with Striver, simply follow our step-by-step lesson plans covering topics such as yoga, mindfulness and nutrition.
We have put together a collection of free Yoga and Mindfulness resources for you to download, or start a 14-day trial to access the full range of Striver wellbeing units.
The Mental Health Foundation has a range of publications that schools can order and are free to download, they include: how to look after your mental health, how to manage and reduce stress and how to overcome fear and anxiety. They also have a range of posters that schools can download to promote World Mental Health Day.