2Create a Story is a wonderful thing

Feb. 1, 2021

2Create a Story allows children to create their own multimedia digital storybooks.There are three modes of 2Create a Story: My Simple Story, My Story and My Adventure Story. With these modes you are able to put together amazing creative writing activities that can be used for cross-curricular activities and tie in all learning areas when working through a common theme.

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Getting to the nitty gritty of teaching through Purple Mash

Jan. 28, 2021

We have spent considerable time expanding on all the tools that can be found in Purple Mash and how you can use them in the classroom. They are all amazing in their own right, but we have to put them all together into the actual act of prepping and teaching a lesson. To do that, you need to load a lesson onto the program.

Meet the Parents

Jan. 28, 2021

Remote learning has become a part of most people's lives. Parents have become a critical link in effective teaching of our youngsters. Most parents do not come from the Education sector and many of them are not well versed in navigating IT programs and manipulating the tools you are using to teach their children.

We need to be mindful of giving the parents access to information and training and making sure we are clear in our instructions on how to aide their child's learning while learning remotely.

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Everything you need to teach remotely with Purple Mash

Jan. 18, 2021

Did you know that Purple Mash has a whole section solely dedicated to getting you, the teacher, up and running with using the program for Remote Learning? Last year when we were all told schools would be moving to a blended teaching approach, the task was a daunting one for all teachers. Tried and tested methods and resources would have had to be significantly adjusted to suit a more online approach and all teachers needed to find not only teaching tools but platforms which would aide the move to digital.

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Giving Feedback with Purple Mash

Jan. 15, 2021

With schools now potential having to set work remotely for pupils, the ability for teachers to be able to give feedback on work set and reward pupils is vital. There are many tools within Purple Mash that makes this easy for teachers to do.

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